FAMAG is again partner of the PVH 2013

For the 14th time, the working group tools (AKW) led,  in the Central Association of the Hardware Trade Association (ZHH), Dusseldorf, the partner choice of the PVH in the areas of hand tools, precision tools, factory equipment, fastener, industrial safety, grinding / separating agent and measuring tools.  The retailers of the hardware industry with a range of tools evaluated his industry partners on:

  • retailer loyalty
  • Realized margin / market support
  • sales support
  • product innovation
  • complaint behavior

On the occasion of the International Hardware Fair 2014 presented the AKW the result of this year´s election and honored the companies which was certified by the best cooperation. Dr. Paul Keller Wessel, Chairman of the AKW and acting partner of Aug. Hülden GmbH + Co. KG, Cologne, congratulated the companies. He pointed out that in the competition of the distribution channels of the PVH was constantly challenged in relation to their customers a compelling overall performance of product and service to be provided. Which required either a partnership between PVH and supplier, and see the PVH as their preferred distribution channel and the guidelines as the openness of the economies on European sales concepts. In recognition of this retail-oriented approach to the award partner of the PVH should be to understood.

(source: www.zhh.de)

For the fifth time FAMAG received the award "partner to the trade". In the group of precision tools / material removal, we were able to get the second place:


(Quelle www.zhh.de)

We thank you for the award and the presentation of the certificate.


one day ... we will occupy the first place!
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