Partner of the specialised trade 2016!

Thank you very much for this award!
News from the Bormax®-family
In our April Newsletter we already told you about our new Bormax® 2.0 geometry. Today we would like to introduce to you our whole Bormax®-family. Here you have them, all at a glance. You need more information? Click on these fields […] and you will be forwarded to full description. Have fun exploring our Bormax®-family!
Special Counterbore series 1617 now turns into
Bormax® 2.0 WS prima, long our new series 1614
Why didn’t we come up earlier with the idea to give our Special Counterbore the Bormax®-geometry? But now his number is up! We present our new Bormax® 2.0 WS prima, long!
NEW at FAMAG: Bormax® 2.0! Series 1622
Today and with great pleasure we are able to present the new Bormax® 2.0. Three innovative details make our new Bormax® 2.0 the raciest Forstner-bit we know.
Bormax® 2.0 WS, long! Series 1623
Through and through Bormax®, the long one, series 1623! Of course now available with the new Bormax® 2.0 geometry. What´s new and which effect has the new geometry? All this you will find here:
Bormax® 2.0 WS prima! Series 1624
The pilot guided Bormax® becomes Bormax® 2.0 WS prima.
Prima? Prima is an antiquated term used by merchandiser and means ”of best quality“ or “first class”. In Italian it can mean “first”. We think due to its various capabilities and its precision the Bormax® 2.0 prima deserves this name. But take a look for yourself.
Welcome to the family!
Countersink Bormax® 2.0 WS! Series 1411
The Countersink for Auger bits. Now with new Bormax® 2.0 geometry! Drilling and countersinking in one go, racier than ever! Fits all FAMAG Auger bits form Ø 14 mm on.