Finally: The new FAMAG catalogue 2.0 is printed and in delivery. You are able to take a look at it already today on our homepage or you could wait till the postman delivers yours.

Without any doubt the biggest news in this catalogue is the new cylindrical head geometry Bormax 2.0.
What is different now?
Easier drilling as well as even less heat development than before! Much longer lifespan thanks to significant and noticeable fraction reduction!
In the future we don’t limit these unique selling points to the well-known Bormax, but copy these to other members of the Bormax 2.0 family:
- Bormax 2.0 tool steel, line 1622
- Bormax 2.0 tool steel prima, line 1624 (formerly pilot guided Bormax)
- Bormax 2.0 tool steel prima long, line 1614 (formerly special counterbore line 1617)
- Countersink for Auger Bits Bormax 2.0 tool steel, line 1411
You’ll find details of this new version in the pictures at and on the first pages in the new catalogue. Today we present the new catalogue version in German and English.
The languages French, Polish and Spanish will follow up shorty.

The combination of know-how, product innovation, product quality, product availability and the service of the FAMAG team are parts of our high standards on ourselves. This is where we are different to our competitors. Being a bit better, make a difference, build a Delta; be a Delta F! F like FAMAG.
In the new catalogue we allowed ourselves to mark all products which have a delta to our competitors with the new DELTA F Logo.
Get an overview over the new Bormax 2.0 – geometry and our way to understand ourselves as DELTA F. Visit us on the fair LIGNA in Hanover (22.-26.5.17). You’ll find us in hall 13, booth F18.
We are glad to send you entrance tickets for the fair, just let us know.
Ask your dealer or contact us, we will tell you which dealer will have these new sets with the special price in stock. You can reach us daily from 8:00am – 16:45 clock under +49 (2191) 9284-0.
Experiences, questions, suggestions or criticism? Bring it on! We are always glad to receive your message at