Every year again ...
This year, FAMAG® would like to do good again at Christmas!

As in previous years, there will be an auction of an incredibly special FAMAG® set on all four Sundays in Advent in 2022.
We will double the auction proceeds and donate to the Children's Hospice Foundation Bergisches Land, a children's hospice in our region.
At www.ebay.de you have the chance to bid for four limited edition FAMAG® Bormax® prima Disc + Plug Cutter sets.

This year, the Christmas set contains the Bormax® prima in the diameters 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 mm and the matching Disc + Plug Cutters!
This perfect team is completed by our FAMAG® folding rule, carpenter's pencil, and a beautiful knife, true to style with a noble wooden handle.
A beautiful set, best quality in a high-quality wooden box.
The enclosed certificate of authenticity guarantees that our Christmas sets are limited to four pieces.
Take part and support a true affair of the heart!
Click here to go to auction no. 1!
Start 20.11.2022 at 19:00 Uhr!