Every year ... FAMAG® wants to do good again this Christmas!

As in previous years, a very special FAMAG® set will be auctioned on all four Sundays of Advent in 2023.
The revenue from the auction will be doubled by FAMAG® and donated to the Bergisches Land Children’s Hospice Foundation.
At www.ebay.de you have the chance to bid for four limited sets of FAMAG® Bormax® prima.

This year, the Christmas set contains a perfectly coordinated combination of:
Bormax® prima series 1624 in the following diameters:
15, 16, 16,2, 18, 20, 22, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 mm with fitted centre points and a separate pilot drill each.
Three extensions of series 1639 in length of 125 mm, 250 mm, 400 mm, and the depth stop set suitable for Bormax® prima Ø 10-50 mm including circlip plier.

This attractive set is completed by our FAMAG® folding rule and carpenter's pencil.
A beautiful set of best quality, in a high-quality wooden box.
The enclosed certificate of authenticity guarantees that our Christmas sets are limited to four pieces.
Join us and thus support this matter of personal importance!
To auction no. 1 click here!
Start 26 November 2023 at 7:00 pm!